Aool is a platform that brings business owners (free lancers, craftsmen, stores and companies) with the users in one mobile app together, allowing them to communicate directly with each other without mediation or commissions.
Aool allows service providers to easily advertise for free and earn points and discounts like normal users. Aool includes all services such as; maintenance, medical, entertainment, car services, companies and factories. Aool app automatically sends notifications for each new added services and posts to all users in the service provider's city. Why wait .. don't say all people know me.
Aool使服务提供商可以轻松地免费进行广告投放,并像普通用户一样获得积分和折扣。 Aool包括所有服务,例如;维修,医疗,娱乐,汽车服务,公司和工厂。 Aool应用程序会自动为每个新添加的服务发送通知,并发布给服务提供商所在城市的所有用户。为什么要等等..不要说所有人都认识我。